Rotary Club of Alandur - Rotary India

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Total Services 16
Family Participation - Club Meeting

Family Participation club meeting conducted on 23/11/24 on the topi. . .

Joint Club Family Participation - Halloween Night

Rotary Club of Alandur and Rotary Club of Madras Cosmos Jointly cel. . .

Rotary Excellence Awards Participation

RCA participated in the Rotary District Awards program where Prospe. . .

Third Board Meeting

Third Board Meeting Of RC Alandur was held at Anna Malai Alumni Clu. . .

Participation in Dance of District

President Asif and Annette Nandika participated in the Dance of Dis. . .

Breakfast with DG

Breakfast meeting with District Governor Rtn.Mahaveer Bothra and Fi. . .

District Onam Celebration

RCA participated in the District Onam Celebrations.

Second Board Meeting

Second Board Meeting with the board of directors was conducted by t. . .

Tirupati Darshan for Special Kids

RCA participated in the district event by members sponsoring Rs.13,. . .

Second Speaker Meeting

Rotary Club of Alandur conducted the second speaker meeting on the . . .

Joint Club Speaker Meeting

Joint Club Speaker meeting on the occasion of Madras day celebratio. . .

Beach walk and breakfast meet

Beach walk and Breakfast meet with Rotary club of Velachery at 7am . . .

Family Congregate & Doctors honoring

A family congregate meet was conducted with an interesting topic of. . .

First Board Meeting

Discussion with the board in regards with the upcoming projects and. . .

Speaker meeting

The first speaker meeting of the Rotary year was held on 6th july a. . .

Presidents Breakfast meet

Presidents special breakfast meet for the first initiation of proje. . .